Directory /Lamberton-China-Photos/Patterns, pieces in set/Gray panel, Seahorses, Fruit & flowers border (Dennis)
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- Gray Seahorse, Rochester Club.png
- Gray panel Seahorse, Fruit, Saucer, Yellow lines..png
- Gray panel orange, flower bowl border, Dennis, S-L.png
- Gray panel seahorse with flowers, C&S, Yellow lines.png
- Gray panel seahorse with fruit C&S, Yellow lines.png
- Gray panel seahorse with fruit, Saucer, Black lines.png
- Gray seahorse Bowl, 6 3?8? d 1 3?4? h.png
- Gray seahorse, Dennis, Hotel, Bowl, 8 1?2?, S-L.png
- Gray seahorse, Platter, 8? x 5 1?2?, Wanamaker.png
- Rochester Club, plate.png